Exhibits & Sponsorships

Texas Association for Home Care & Hospice conferences are the premiere meeting place for the home care and hospice industry in Texas. We have multiple marketing options for you including exhibits, sponsorships and advertising. Exhibit space is limited; therefore, we offer increased sponsorship opportunities for you to connect with our conference attendees. TAHC&H always brings a great crowd! For more information, contact Katie Mills, katie@tahch.org.


Administrator Program

November 11-13, 2024 |  Westin Galleria Hotel, Houston, TX

The Administrator Program is our second most popular program to our Annual Meeting. Attendees at this program will be home care Administrator, Alternate Administrators or professionals preparing to be appointed as Administrator or Alternate Administrator. The incentive for the administrator to is that they can receive all 12 annual continuing education hours necessary for their licensure. For the attendee, this is a one, two or three day program. The largest attendance is on days one and two.



Regulatory Chat Webinars 

April, July and October

These free webinars allow TAHC&H Members to hear straight from TAHC&H's team of regulatory experts and learn all about the latest industry news. Become the exclusive event sponsor! 

Event Sponsor (limit 1)
$500 members; $750 non members (price per webinar)
• Recognition in opening remarks including company logo displayed in the session waiting room.
• Reading of a 100-word or less company description prior to the session start time
• Company logo slide displayed in the session waiting room.
• Company Logo on all electronic marketing & web listing
• Attendee list of participants including mailing address and emails.
• Company highlight in attendee login information email sent out one week before event– can include company logo, 100 words of text and one hyperlink.
• 2 complimentary event registrations (non-transferrable)