TAHC&H Committee service is where our Association's hard work takes place to meet the needs and goals of our industry. We need the talents and input of each and every member to meet those goals. An association is only able to give back as much as its members are willing to invest. Our Committee Year runs from October 1 through September 1. Click here for more information on membership.
This committee shall be responsible for all arrangements in conjunction with the Education Committee and any appropriate special committees.
This committee shall consider all recommendations from the Board of Directors and the membership for amending and updating the Bylaws to meet the current needs and changes in structure of the Association.
This committee shall review, establish or maintain identified policies and procedures that will assist members regarding appropriateness of care and assurance of quality care. This committee shall serve as liaison as TAHC&H representative to professional licensing boards and associations.
This Committee shall partner with the Texas Department of Aging & Disability Services (DADS), the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), and other appropriate governmental entities, as well as other community associations and organizations to apprise those organizations of issues provider agencies are experiencing with programs administered or funded by DADS/HHSC to proactively address strategies and facilitate resolution of current and potential issues in order to improve the quality of community care services
This committee shall be responsible for registering voting delegates at the Association's meetings and ensuring that only properly credentialed delegates are allowed to vote. Procedures for the carrying out of the responsibilities of this committee shall be adopted from time to time and promulgated by the Board of Directors.
This committee shall be composed of the Chairperson and at least 3 (3) other Members. This committee shall promote active integration of DEI into the ethical, quality and economic viability of the TAHC&H mission. Shall advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion to advance integrity and dignity within the industry stakeholders. Shall serve a resource for DEI education and training. Shall build and promote strategies for recruiting and retaining members, and cultivate interest in leadership opportunities to serve on TAHC&H Committees the Board of Directors.
This committee shall be responsible for planning and implementing the workshop program for the annual meeting and other educational workshops, ensuring that these workshops meet the qualifications for continuing education. This committee shall, in conjunction with the Finance Committee, set fees for these workshops subject to final approval of the President and the Board of Directors.
This committee shall make recommendations to the Board of Directors as to the Association's budget, dues, fees to be charged for services, investments, insurance, and other financial matters. It shall also provide the Association with an annual audit.
This committee shall be responsible for following and assessing pending or new legislation relating to the purpose of this Association and for advising the Board of Directors concerning such legislation.
This committee shall have meetings with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, the Texas Health & Human Services, fiscal intermediaries, and if necessary, the Social Security Administration and the regional federal Medicare Division.
This committee shall have the responsibility of planning and recruiting for membership in the Association. It shall be the responsibility of this committee to make known to the public that home care and hospice is one of the community health resources available to it.
The purpose of this Committee shall be to work with appropriate governmental entities, as well as other pediatric associations and organizations to proactively address current and potential issues related to the quality and provision of pediatric services.
The purpose of this committee is to research strategies to assist private pay providers grow their referral base and take advantage of best business practices. This committee will work with the clinical practice, and government affairs committees to review changes in legislation, regulation and licensure issues. The committee will also work with the education committee to recommend educational workshops and information specific to the growing private pay market.