Frequently Asked Questions
Are only members of TAHC&H able to give to the Defense Fund?
No, anyone can make a donation to the Defense Fund. Non-member agencies who would like to support industry advocacy
efforts without the financial commitment of dues are more than welcome to contribute to the Defense Fund. Individuals
who believe in home care and want to ensure it is there for their parents when needed may also give.
Why should I contribute to the Defense Fund if my agency already pays dues?
A portion of your dues does support TAHC&H advocacy efforts. However, in recent years regulatory threats and
Medicare/Medicaid budgetary shortfalls have grown. That is why TAHC&H has taken the extra steps of retaining a team
of lobbyists, consultants, PR support, and a health economist. In the long term, these costs have exceeded the income
received from membership dues, making the extra fundraising necessary.
What is the difference between the PAC and the Defense Fund?
The PAC ensures pro-home care candidates get elected to state and federal office. PAC funds may only
go to campaign donations; therefore, it cannot support advocacy efforts like PR & lobbying. The Defense Fund continues
the work of the PAC by ensuring adequate representation and generating positive PR that helps the entire industry.
Is my contribution tax deductible?
No. The Defense Fund is part of a 501 c(6) and therefore contributions are not charitable donations.